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Monday, August 29, 2011

Demonizing Muslims

Gerald Caplan writes:

Among the remarkable inventions of the counterjihadists is the non-existent threat that Muslim sharia law poses to the United States. It appears that American Muslims, less than 1 per cent of the population, are conspiring to impose sharia law across America. The campaign to stop this menace from happening, even though it’s already not happening, has achieved remarkable support from everyone from Republican presidential candidates to local political hacks promoting anti-sharia legislation.

AM: In Canada, Muslims make up about 2.5 percent of the population. By comparison, about 3.5 percent of Europe's population is Muslim. The United Kingdom has a Muslim population of about 2.7 percent; France, 6 percent, and Holland, 5 percent. Ultra-right wing politicians seem quick to blame this small minority for all sorts of social and economic dislocation. Even if we accept the worst doomsday predictions of the clash of civilization types, the numbers just don't add up.

Of course, it's not just a numbers game. Clash of civilization-types like to point out the authoritarian and radical elements of some Islamic societies and political systems. But this is a baseless generalization that lumps a few radicals in with a far more moderate general population. Caplan puts it well.

The goal of the Muslim-haters is surely clear enough. By lumping all Muslims together as terrorists, by equating a violence-prone Muslim lunatic fringe with all Muslims, by insulting the hundreds of millions of moderate Muslims everywhere, they alienate all Muslims and create among non-Muslims an irrational fear of and hostility to all Muslims.


  1. Love how soda dispenser machines generally account for more deaths annually than terrorist attacks, and yet the menace of the soda pop machine lives on undisturbed and free to wreak havoc on us unassuming humans.
    And that's ALL terrorist attacks, not just the "Muslim Menace" ones too.
    Fox News has much to answer for.......

  2. And let's also not forget the complete lack of any kind of historical precedence of any culture ever being changed by a foreign minority.
    Rome invades Egypt and the Romans wind up adopting some Egyptian traditions.
    The Mongols and Chinese.
    It seems to be virtually impossible to change any kind of culture without the use of a very large stationary army, which the Muslim threat doesn't have.
    I am literally more concerned about a zombie take over than I am of a Muslim invasion.

  3. I would also argue that, in the long run, the authoritarian aspects of Islam will have a hard time persisting in the face of Western political institutions, capitalism, and technological development.

  4. 2.5 percent just shows how much damage a small group can do to a thriving industrial society, so lets keep 'em out!


  5. Ok, there's no threat of an invasion by a Muslim army, nobody is saying that, but what is worrying are the skewed demographics (see birth rates) and the relentless effort to Islamify secular society.

    You state the UK is 2.7% Muslim, yet there are dozens of Madrassas, Sharia law courts, and a prevalent feeling of anti-western values (equality, secularism, liberty). And now we have secular authorities in schools policing Ramadan for Muslim parents... just ridiculous.

    Also, were not talking about just first-generation immigrants who oppose a secular society. It's their kids and grandchildren who are taking up the fight to oppose the West and usher in a new era of Islamification in Europe. I think this demonstrates the failures of interrogation and multiculturalism over the last 50 years or so in Europe.

  6. But really - lets say that of the 2.5 percent of British Muslims, only a fraction of those are "radical" and most are moderate. It's a mere decimal point of the population. There is no threat. Certainly not enough to "Islamify" anything.

  7. You don't have to be radical to oppose the West. In fact, that's a very moderate position in the Muslim world. There is broad support amongst Muslims in the UK who favor of Sharia law. Since only a fraction are extremists, then its safe to say the "moderates" overwhelming support Sharia law, and further Islamification.

    Do you also realize there are other groups in the UK that account for more than 2.7%, yet we don't hear a peep from them. Who else wants a return to an 8th century penal code?

  8. Not the entire 2.7 percent support Sharia law. I don't know how that is a "safe bet." Even if it is a majority, 2 percent of the population are not going to impose their values on anybody. The number is too small. Even with a high birth rate, 2 percent is not going to make a huge dent.

    And, overtime, modernity erodes support for authoritarian cultural systems. This may be a tough nut to crack, but it won't last. (my prediction).

  9. At least half of Muslims in the UK want Sharia law, that's pretty significant when they've been exposed to Western culture for several decades.

    When Muslims demand secular authorities police Ramadan in public schools, I'd say they are making a dent. Also, I'm not just concerned about Islam imposing on Western values, they impose each other with Sharia barbarism. Toleration is not an unlimited virtue and we should seriously revisit allowing such a totalitarian ideology to oppress people in a liberal and free society.

    Maybe over the long-run modernity erodes support for authoritarian cultural systems, but when you factor in the alarming immigration and birth rate statistics, there may not be much modernity left by that time!
