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Monday, January 23, 2012

Tim Thomas speaks out against big government

Wow. From Bruins Goaltender Tim Thomas on his decision to decline an invite to the White House:

I believe the federal government has grown out of control, threatening the rights, liberties, and property of the people.

Not bad.


  1. Nobody cares what an NHL goalie thinks about politics. The team was invited to honor them as champions and celebrate their victory. Had nothing to do with politics, and even if it did its not like this administration had much to do with the decline in liberties or expansion of the federal givernment.

  2. Ok Anon... Every administration had something to do with the expansion of the feds. Total government spending and deficit spending have both increased under Obama. But even Thomas himself acknowledges this and makes the point that it's not a partsian issue. It makes sense: if you were an atheist would you go celebrate with the Pope? No. I wouldn't anyway.


  3. At first I thought this was just a dick head move. It's a tradition that championship athletes are honoured at the White Houes, who does Thomas think he is that he's better than that?

    Then I read his statement and learned he's not just being a partisan stick-in-the-mud and rather actually is trying to make a comment about the state of his country and I thought, hmm, maybe this kind of a cool move to make a statement about too much government. Maybe he's not a dick head.

    But then finally, I realized that Tim Thomas gets paid to stop a little piece of rubber from going into a net and actually makes about $14 million over four years to do so. He doesn't speak for the masses at all.

    In all likelihood, he's probably not so much worried about liberties as he is just a rich dude pissed he has to pay so much in taxes. Final verdict: dick head.

  4. Did you know that around 40 percent of total U.S. income taxes come from the infamous 1 percent? He may have a point.


    1. I don't have any sympathy for the one per cent. America is broken from top to bottom. The richest one per cent are hardly the ones that have the most to complain about.

    2. True. But that doesn't invalidate Thomas' political opinion. Both the poor and rich can speak out about things they don't like.
